materials means that you are building on the existing culture of interaction with these materials

 materials means that you are building on the existing culture of interaction with these materials, i.e., you are not beginning a development from a zero datum, but with what people—members of each local community—have at hands (the local materials), as well as in minds (psychological familiarity with these materials, and technical heritage, associated with their production, manufacture and use in the different walks of life). In this concern the date palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.), represents an eloquent example. It is an authentic element of the region’s flora, which accompanied our historical march for thousands of years. 

As a resource, the date palm could be seen as a system of renewable materials including the primary and secondary products. The date palm is associated with a very rich technical heritage being a product of thousands of years of accumulated expertise of interaction between the diverse local communities and the date palm material system for the satisfaction of various basic material needs. This technical heritage includes appropriate technologies that may be of contem- porary value for peasants in rural areas such as preservation of date in clay jars as food for the whole year and the use of palm midribs and trunks in roofing. 

In addition, the technical heritage represents a software of its own right, resounding a world of adaptation with the environment and cultural expressiveness, and thus; inspiring to think, imagine and innovate in harmony with the environment and culture. 2 Date Palm: A Basic Element of the Flora of the Arab Region It may be difficult to record the first emergence in history of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), but it was well known 4000 years BC, where it was used to build the moon temple near to Ore, south of Iraq (Johnson 2011). The second proof of the deep-rootedness of the date palm comes from the Nile valley, where the date palm was taken as the symbol of the year and the palm midrib as a symbol of the month in the hieroglyphic Egyptian language. But the cultivation of the date palm in Egypt was 2000–3000 years later than Iraq washable shower pouf

The date palm was one of the pivots of economic and body do ursinho puff, hence, social and cultural life in this region from ancient times. In ancient Egypt the heads of pillars in temples were made resembling the growing top of the date palm bath pouf bacteria. The date palm appeared frequently on walls of temples in different contexts revealing its significance in life in Egypt. The palm leaves were fundamental in ancient Nubian and Upper Egypt houses. The roofs were constructed by split palm trunks and leaves and the interior walls were covered by palm leaves ornaments (Azzam 1960). Until now, date palm constitutes a basic element in several surviving traditions in Nubia and South Egypt, where a palm tree is planted every time a child is born (El-Mously 2001).


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